A Transformational Storytelling Course
Use narrative experiences to
change lives with surgical precision.
A Transformational Storytelling Course
Use narrative experiences to
change lives with surgical precision,
and resolve your writer's block forever.
Stories are an organic phenomenon of nature:
They have been an essential component for human evolution.
And of course, as a storyteller you want to
maximize the impact of your storytelling.
This course will help you tap into the truly Transformational Power of stories.
We aren't just writing stories - they are also writing us.

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Free PDF
What's in Storyweaving?
Storyweaving consists of diving deeply into 4 steps,
each an important layer of your project.
Detailed videos within each step will help you to generate true transformation.
Here are the 4 Steps of The Storyweaving Strategy:
Step #1:
Drill down into your Internal image Inventory
8 Videos about the introductory stage of the Storyweaving Strategy. We begin by creating an inventory of internal imagery (using the spreadsheet below) in preparation for step 2.

Step #2:
Resolve your
Internal Stories

6 Videos designed to help you detox and neutralize your internal imagery. Resolving the unprocessed story fragments utilizing our powerful role-playing format: "The Quantum Theater".
You can download the free PDF entitled "How the Quantum Theater Works" below.

Step #3:
Weaving the results into your storytelling project
8 Videos about incorporating the lessons into your story. We first accumulated stories, then we tapped into the necessary energies to finally resolve them. Now, we can incorporate these same energies into the resolution of your storytelling project. Having a deep clarity about what real transformation actually is, we make the resolution match to your deepest self. This is how we position your story for a truly transformational impact.
The complete PDF of the book is Included with course purchase.

STEP #4:

Learn to apply the Depth Branding principles to your work. This PDF is included in the course materials.
2 Videos about creating a business model and branding to match your incredible story. Create an aligned brand. Tap into the depth of your offering to stir a profound curiosity in your target demographic.

WARNING: If you apply the information in this course, your life will change drastically.
You will emerge more capable, creative and honest.
You'll be more Yourself, and therefore a more impactful storyteller.
Along with the video series, this course includes these important guidance tools:
Within our Mastermind groups, Storyweaving is a living being which keeps evolving weekly. Q+A and Community.
Enneagram test and info about each type. Tune into your personal story tension.
Paperback coming to Amazon soon!
Designed specifically for amplifying your unique gifts.
Included in
Coaching packages.
Nothing impacts storytelling skills more than allowing your own story to change your life.
But let's be clear:
What does transformation actually mean?
It means:
Maturing the nervous system.
Dissolving old beliefs. Calming our anxieties.
Owning ourselves and our lives.
Becoming more powerful and clear.
Living more authentically.
When a storyteller properly uses The Storyweaving Strategy,
their nervous system relaxes in ways it never has.
This is a powerful experience for the storyteller.
A storyteller's powerful experience translates
into a moving journey for their audience.
Here's what You'll Discover in this 4-Step Course:
Evaluate how your personality is oriented (AKA your storytelling style)
What does transformation mean for you specifically? Which tensions drive your viewpoint?
Featuring the nine Enneagram Types.
Learn how to expand your storytelling style (by loosening the personality orientation)
Learn to move your inner stories forward using The Quantum Theater approach
Once expanded, you'll convert the transformational lessons into fiction
Storyweaving refers to the vulnerable process of weaving together the "emotional pillars" from your inner stories into your written stories.
Integrate the Story's true themes into your brand and business model
Taking our internal story resolution process seriously means to make external decisions on who we have become in the process. Integrating our new values into business decisions is an important step (including the Storyweaving branding on this page!)
Your Facilitator:
Joshua Edjida

Joshua Graduated from film school in 2007, and then went on to run a video production company in NYC in 2011.
Since about 2013, out of great necessity, Joshua has learned to utilize transformational storytelling as a path on which he was able to ever increase the functionality of his brain by resolving inner stories.
In doing so, he invented an incredibly effective story based role-playing format [The Quantum Theater] which consistently provides precision tailored stories which has helped to unravel unnecessary psychological tension for hundreds of individuals. Storyweaving is the filmmaker's version of that tool.
What Others Are Saying:

"The Storyweaving course completely changed my approach to storytelling. I didn't realize how the "tried and true'" formula was coming from a place of desperation. Now I'm actually participating in the storytelling process authentically."

"WOW. Every time I hit a wall in my writing process I've been using The Quantum Theater methodology [from the Storyweaving course].
It's amazing. Now I recognize that every "dead end" is an opportunity. My creativity is unlimited!"

VR Filmmaker
"Immersive media content like Virtual Reality is amazing, but it can also be a one trick pony without a great story. Now that I recognize storytelling as the original immersive experience, my work makes a much bigger impact."
Ready to Get Started?
2025 | Created in the spirit of True Participation