Storytelling Style 5

Enneatype 5 is called The Investigator
The personal evolution of the Observer is propelled through a tension created by their fixation: the need for knowledge and understanding and the fear of being overwhelmed or depleted, which reflects the polarity of public versus private. By embracing this tension as a tool for storytelling, the Observer creates stories that honor both sides of this polarity. Through the act of storytelling, they explore the nuances of their own psyche, embracing the essence of who they are and achieving a level of personal growth that is both transformative and cathartic.
When Storyweaving, your work channels the spirit of:
Your Storytelling Style is the orientation of your Ego Fixation, AKA your enneagram type.
Once upon a time, there was an author whose drive for knowledge and understanding had led them to a fixation on discovering the essence of who they were. They were driven by the need to create stories that honored their own unique perspective, yet were plagued by the fear of being overwhelmed or depleted by the task at hand.As a Storytelling Style 5, the Observer used this tension as a tool for storytelling. Through their writing, they explored the complexities of their own psyche, embracing both sides of the public-versus-private polarity. Their writing reflected their intense desire for knowledge and understanding while delving into the deeper meanings behind these desires.
Inspired by other famous thinkers and writers such as Albert Einstein and Susan Sontag, the Observer saw their own fixation as a path to personal growth and transformation. Through their stories, they explored the complexities of the human mind and the hidden depths of the soul.
Through the act of storytelling, the Observer achieved a sense of catharsis and understanding. They learned to embrace their own vulnerabilities and fears, finding beauty and significance in even the most mundane moments.
As the Observer continued to write, they found that their own personal evolution was propelled forward by their fixation. They learned to embrace their own inner world while also acknowledging the importance of the external world. By sharing their own struggles and triumphs through their writing, they were able to connect more deeply with readers and create stories that were both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant.
The truth your stories help us remember:
The awareness that because every individual is intimately connected with the entire cosmos by the operation of objective laws within their own bodies, there is no separateness or alienation except as a mental hallucination. Because the cosmic laws govern every aspect of ourselves, there is no possibility of hiding from the Cosmos, or avoiding the results of natural processes. When we understand this, we are completely at peace with our past. -Ichazo, 1972
Your storytelling shadow may sound like:
“People are ignorant and frivolous. I have to hoard my resources, time and energy so people don’t take what I have.”
See, your Storytelling Style is what it is, because The Art of Transformational Storytelling is YOUR vehicle for transforming YOURSELF, with a side effect of transforming your audience.
We have made a powerful in depth course on this topic exactly:
More details about type 5:
Type 5 Distorted Instincts
Fixation: Stinginess
Avarice (Greed)
Type 5 Undistorted Instincts
Holy Idea: Holy Omniscience, Holy Transparency
Virtue: Non-Attachment
Type 5 Emotional Polarities:
Non-Attachment vs Avarice (Greed)
Type 5 Obsessive Polarities:
Understanding vs Ignorance
What causes me stress:
Failing to maintain sufficient privacy, boundaries, and limits. Becoming fatigued. Having desires, needs, and wants that lead to dependency. Trying to learn everything there is to know before taking action.
The nature of my anger:
Self-containment and withholding. Tension and disapproval. Short bursts of temper.
The ultimate goal of my development:
To realize that there is a natural and sufficient supply of what is needed to support and sustain life, that staying engaged in life will not deplete our resources and energy.
How I can further my development:
Allow myself to experience feelings instead of detaching and retreating into my mind. Recognize that withdrawing and withholding invite intrusion. Take action, realizing I have enough resources to pull it off. Find ways to engage in conversation and to express myself to others.
What hinders my personal development:
Minimizing needs and detaching from the ongoing flow of life. Missing opportunities to do things with others. Isolating myself from my feelings and from connecting with others. Not recognizing fear or anger in myself. Reluctance to discuss and reveal personal matters. Excessive analysis.
How others can support my development:
Respect my need for privacy and space. Make clear distinctions between requests and demands. Provide moderate feedback about their own feelings and concerns. Encourage me to be self-disclosing and express my feelings and provide a safe environment to do so. Appreciate my sensitivity and ability to live and let live.
Wounding Childhood message:
“It’s not ok to be comfortable in the world.” or “You don’t have enough energy/skills to make it here” or “It’s not ok to let your guard down because you won’t be able to handle things competently.” What type 5’s long to hear is “Your needs are not a problem.”
Hearing this and understanding this allows the 5 to have a weight lifted off of them.
Performance artist Laurie Anderson, St. Thomas Aquinas, Playright Samuel Beckett, Author Paul Bowles, The Buddha, Director Tim Burton, David Byrne, Actor Richard Chamberlain, Agatha Christie, Van Cliburn, Montgomery Clift, Former CIA Director William Colby, Michael Crichton, Daniel Day-Lewis, René Descartes, Joan Didion, Joe DiMaggio, Aviatrix Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Author Loren Eiseley, T.S. Eliot, the cultural aura of England, Chess player Bobby Fischer, E. M. Forster, Greta Garbo, J. Paul Getty, cybertech novelist William Gibson, Jane Goodall, Author Graham Greene, H.R. Haldeman, Hildegarde of Bingen, Alfred Hitchcock, Anthony Hopkins, Howard Hughes, Franz Kafka, Director Philip Kaufman, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Author Dean R. Koontz, Arthur (The Amazing) Kreskin, Director Stanley Kubrick, C-SPAN's Brian Lamb, Cartoonist Gary Larson, John le Carré, Author Ursula K. LeGuin, Photographer Annie Leibowitz, Vladimir Lenin, George Lucas, David Lynch, Author Norman MacLean, Reporter Robert MacNeil, Movie critic Leonard Maltin, Novelist Ian McEwan, Larry McMurtry, Singer Natalie Merchant, Thelonious Monk, Actor Sam Neill, Joyce Carol Oates, Georgia O'Keefe, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Al Pacino, Italian sculptor Paladino,John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Oliver Sacks, Author May Sarton, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ebenezer Scrooge, Poet Gary Snyder, Philosopher Susan Sontag, Phil Spector, George Stephanopoulos, Actress Madeleine Stowe, Max Von Sydow, Jules Verne, Ken Wilber, Ludwig Wittgenstein.